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FRPC submissions to the CRTC and other regulatory authorities


25 April 2024 intervention by FRPC concerning BCE’s request to exempt its satellite-relay distribution undertaking from requirement to support production of Canadian programming; 18 April 2024 procedural request by FRPC asking CRTC to disclose two redacted pieces of information in the application by Bell to drop the requirement for its satellite-receiving and distribution BDU undertaking (SRDU) to support Canadian program production, Bell’s April 19 reply and FRPC’s April 22 response to Bell – Bell’s partially-unredacted submission of 16 May 2024 (un-redacted text highlighted in pink courtesy of FRPC)

12 April 2024 comment by FRPC regarding the CRTC’s proposals for a regulatory approach to the Online News Act (formerly Bill C-18), FRPC’s 22 April 2024 reply to other interveners, along with its 7 June 2024 reply to the Canadian Magazine Coalition (whose intervention was inadvertently left off the proceeding’s public record)

28 March 2024 application asking CRTC to evaluate its 2014 broadcasting regulations regarding emergency alerts (includes updates since filing shown in “Revisions” table as well as Executive Summary), synopsis of the application and news release


  • CRTC’s C-11 implementation proceedings 

15 February 2024 final reply by FRPC

2 February 2024 – FRPC files in support of the procedural request by PIAC-OpenMedia to extend the deadline for final replies in the 2023-138 proceeding which the Commission announced on 1 February 2024, from 15 February 2024 to 29 February 2024

22 January 2024 – 9 organizations ask CRTC to clarify the timing of the five (or more) C-11 consultations it is planning to hold in 2024:  Forum for Research and Policy in Communications (FRPC), Friends of Canadian Media, Open Media, Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), Public Broadcasting for the 21st Century (PBC21/DPC21), Quebec English-language Production Council (QEPC), Unifor, Union des consommateurs (UdC) 

12 January 2024 procedural request asking CRTC to publish the requests for information it issued to 79 participants in the 2023-138 proceeding – with different requests sent in English and in French, and different requests sent to different individuals or groups of individuals, and CRTC’s 26 January 2024 response in English and in French

11 July 2023 comments on the CRTC’s questions about financial and non-financial support for Canadian programming set out in BNoC 2023-138

12 June 2023 comments about the CRTC’s proposed regulations for online broadcasters set out in BNoC 2023-139

12 June 2023 comments about the CRTC’s proposed exemptions of online broadcasters set out in BNoC 2023-140

10 June 2023 Procedural request (filed 13 June 2023) asking the CRTC to vary its Rules of Practice and Procedure to allow interveners to submit evidence in their replies in the CRTC’s 2023-139 and -140 proceedings; 19 May 2023 Procedural request asking the CRTC to extend the deadlines in the three, interrelated proceedings that it announced on 12 May 2023, 30 May 2023 reply to those responding to the request and CRTC decisions to grant a brief extension regarding the 2023-138 proceeding and to deny extensions to the deadlines in the 2023-139 and -140 proceedings

12 January 2024 Procedural request asking the CRTC to publish its four sets of requests for information (sent 21 December 2023 and 4 January 2024) on its website, so as to provide all parties with a complete record of the 20230-138 proceeding; the CRTC posted the procedural request on 16 January 2024 (see the 2023-138 proceedings page, in the right-hand column under Procedural Requests, DM#4530484)

  • Other submissions

27 October 2023 Part 1 application by eight public-interest organizations asking the CRTC to stabilize funding for the Broadcasting Participation Fund / Le fonds de participation à la radiodiffusion (BPF-FPR) by September 2024, and CRTC’s 17 November 2023 letter in response

22 September 2023 comments on Call for comments – Proposed new Broadcasting Fees Regulations, BNoC 2023-280

25 July 2023 intervention regarding two Part 1 applications by Bell  to drop local-news conditions of licence (now, conditions of service) from its local TV stations (2023–380-9) and to reduce Canadian programming expenditure requirements

19 July 2023 intervention regarding Rogers’ Part 1 request to reduce Canadian programming expenditure requirements

4 July 2023 intervention regarding Quebecor’s Part 1 application to reduce local programming requirements for CFCM-DT Quebec

30 June 2023 Part 1 application by FRPC and PIAC to the CRTC asking it to combine 7 separate proceedings related to the current crisis in local television broadcasting – 11 July 2023 response to CRTC staff’s transformation of this application into seven separate procedural requests

23 June 2023 intervention regarding Part 1 application by Corus regarding its eligibility to be granted funding by the Independent Local News Fund (ILNF)

14 June 2023 intervention regarding Part 1 applications by Corus and Quebecor seeking amendments to the local-programming requirements currently imposed on their television-station licences

2 June 2023 intervention regarding a request to remove Fox News from the list of non-Canadian satellite-distributed services that Canadian broadcasting distribution undertakings may offer to their subscribers

17 April 2023 Part 1 Application asking the CRTC to facilitate full payment by Rogers of the $725,439 in tangible benefits to the Broadcasting Participation Fund by 1 September 2023 – 2 June 2023 Reply to Interveners and Rogers

27 February 2023 reply to the materials filed in the 2022-267-3 broadcasting proceeding to consider whether to allow cable and satellite distribution companies to raise the rate they charge for “basic service” by 12%, from $25/month to $28/month

24 February 2023 intervention in a new phase of the broadcasting proceeding to consider whether to allow cable and satellite distribution companies to raise the rate they charge for “basic service” by 12%, from $25/month to $28/month

This proceeding effectively began in early January 2022 when four companies that hold licences for broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs) asked to raise the rate paid by basic-service subscribers.  The CRTC added four more BDUs to the proceeding and invited public comments on the BDUs’ application on 28 September 22.  The deadline for comments was at first 28 October 2022 but was later set for 28 November 2022. On 17 November 2022 the CRTC posted more information on the public record, noting in an appendix that it was possible that the 8 BDU parties had interpreted the CRTC’s request for information differently.  Interveners’ final replies were due by 12 December 2022.

On 24 January 2023, however, the CRTC asked the 8 BDUs to respond to another round of questions by 1 February 2023.  The CRTC announced the publication of this information on 20 February 2023 in BNoC 2022-267-3, and asked for comments on the new information alone, by 24 February 2023.  

After reviewing the information published on 20 February 2023, FRPC submitted four procedural requests during the four working days (20 February 2023 was Family Day in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and New Brunswick, Islander Day in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia Heritage Day in that province, and Louis Riel Day in Manitoba) before the intervention deadline.

  • On 21 February 2023, asking that Cogeco’s request for confidentiality be denied because the information it provided was substantively similar to information that the CRTC has published from Cogeco in its aggregated annual return for its BDUs
  • On 21 February 2023, asking that Québecor’s data be published without redaction as the company had not filed a request for confidentiality; as Québecor had filed this request the CRTC added it to the public record later on 21 February 2023
  • On 22 February 2023, asking that Shaw’s response be published as it was not available on the public record; the CRTC added it to the public record later on 22 February 2023
  • On 23 February 2023, asking that the CRTC ask the 8 BDU parties in the proceeding specifically for the number of subscribers to whom they provide the “basic service” as the CRTC had asked for the subscribers to the “basic package”.  Only one of the BDUs provided numbers of subscribers to the “basic service” (Shaw): the others referred to the “small basic service” (Bell, Sasktel and Telus) , the ‘basic package’ (Québecor, “forfait de base”), the “small basic package” (Cogeco) or the “small basic TV package” (Rogers).  As Bragg’s response was entirely redacted it is unclear what subscriber information it provided.

23 January 2023 intervention in the application by Pattison Media to acquire two radio stations from Westman Media Cooperative


28 November 2022 intervention in the Part 1 application filed by Rogers seeking amendment of its conditions of licence re CHBN-FM Edmonton to reduce Canadian content – this is likely the shortest intervention FRCP has ever filed

28 November 2022 intervention in the CRTC proceeding considering whether the CRTC should – at the request of four of Canada’s major broadcast-programming distributors – raise TV distribution subscribers’ rates by $3 per month and by inflation each year:  due to the absence of arguments based on the Broadcasting Act and the lack of evidence explaining how distributors’ costs have risen to $3 per subscriber per month, FRPC strongly opposed this proposal

7 November 2022 intervention in the CRTC proceeding considering whether to drop advertising limits for Canadian discretionary programming services; given the absence of evidence demonstrating financial need to drop the 12-minute limit (set for pay and specialty services only, in part because they can negotiate with cable and satellite companies to raise their subscriber rates and hence, the significant revenues they earn from subscriptions) as well as the absence of a public commitment to invest any portion of this amount into Canadian programming – note, this intervention is edited to correct a missing Figure label in the version filed with the CRTC; the next phase in this proceeding provides interveners the opportunity to comment on the submissions filed by others

24 October 2022 procedural request to the CRTC regarding Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2022-267, in which BCE Inc., Cogeco Communications inc., Eastlink (Bragg) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications ask the Commission to increase the rates they may charge for the now-required small basic package of television services by 12%, from $25 to $28.

The CRTC asked the applicants and four other television service distributors (Quebecor, Rogers, Shaw and Telus) to submit information about their subscribers. As each respondent submitted information in confidence (see “Reference: 2022-0019-5” on the 2022-267 page), FRPC asks the CRTC to aggregate the respondents’ answers to enable the applicants’ evidence and arguments to be evaluated.  Aggregation of the answers of either the four applicants or of the eight respondents would continue to ensure the confidentiality of individual companies’ answers while adding useful information to the proceeding’s public record, thereby serving the public interest. 

FRPC also proposed that if the CRTC grants the procedural request, it either extend the deadlines in the proceeding for a short period, or permit interveners to respond to the newly public data in their replies to other interventions.

UPDATE #1:  On 26 October 2022 the CRTC asked the broadcasters for their comments on this request, by 28 October 2022 (the proceeding deadline), while offering FRPC the opportunity to reply by 31 October 2022

UPDATE #2: On 27 October 2022 the applicants affirmed that they did not object to the CRTC’s aggregation of their answers to the Commission’s questions 

UPDATE #3:  Also on 27 October 2022, the CRTC extended the deadline for interventions in this matter to 28 November 2022, and the deadline for interveners to reply to other interventions to 12 December 2022

27 September 2022 remarks to the Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications regarding Bill C-11; the Senate – often referred to as the ‘chamber of sober second thought’, is responsible for reviewing laws enacted by the House of Commons

12 September 2022 submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications regarding Bill C-11

17 June 2022 procedural request to the CRTC regarding CBC’s 31 May 2022 evidence about the launch this year of a Free Advertising-Supported Television (‘FAST’) news ‘channel’ along with other FAST channels

13 May 2022 recommendations to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage (CHPC) for strengthening accountability and transparency in the new broadcasting legislation proposed for Canada (Bill C-11)

1 March 2022 final comment to the CRTC with respect to the applications by the CBC to renew its broadcasting licences and maintain the CRTC’s exemption from licensing of CBC’s digital (online) services (BNoC 2019-379)

20 January 2022 comments to the CRTC with respect to the applications by the CBC to renew its broadcasting licences and maintain the CRTC’s exemption from licensing of CBC’s digital (online) services (BNoC 2019-379)


13 September 2021 intervention in Rogers’ application to acquire broadcasting services from Shaw and FRPC’s 13 December 2021 final reply in the proceeding

13 July 2021 intervention in Phase 2 of BNoC 2019-379 regarding the CBC’s applications to renew its licences and maintain the CRTC’s exemption regarding CBC’s digital (online) services

7 July 2021 intervention in support of OutTV’s licence renewal application

21 April 2021 Part 1 application to the CRTC asking that it stabilize the funding of the Broadcasting Participation Fund 

29 March 2021 Phase 1 comment regarding the CRTC’s 20th review of its commercial radio policy since 1968

1 March 2021 final submission to CBC’s 2019 applications to renew its licences (and to seek continuation of the CRTC’s exemption of its digital services from regulation)

January 2021 clause-by-clause analysis of Bill C-10 – submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage

21 January 2021, CBC wants Canadians’ Trust.  Trust is earned, not taken.”  Remarks of the Forum via Zoom to the CRTC panel hearing CBC’s licensing applications as set out in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2019-379

25 January 2021 final reply in the CRTC’s paper-billing proceeding (TNoC/BNoC 2020-81)


25 November 2020 answer to CBC’s 24 November 2020 letter to the CRTC concerning FRPC’s 28 & 30 October 2020 procedural requests to add the newly emerging issue of branded content to the matters that the CRTC hears in relation to CBC’s fall 2019 applications to renew its conventional licences and its application that the CRTC continue to exempt its online services from licensing and regulation

30 October 2020 request that the CRTC add new facts about CBC’s ‘years-long’ practice of publishing branded content to FRPC’s 28 October 2020 procedural request

29 October 2020 reply to other interveners in the CRTC’s proceeding to consider private broadcasters’ requests for ‘regulatory relief’ in light of the Covid-19 pandemic

28 October 2020 procedural request to the CRTC asking that it add CBC’s ‘Tandem initiative’ in branded content to the issues set out in BNoC 2019-379, in light of the absence of any discussion in the fall 2019 applications submitted by CBC to the CRTC

19 October 2020 comments on the CRTC’s call for comments on the request by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) for ‘regulatory relief’ with respect to their commitments and undertakings, given the financial and other challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic

17 September 2020 answer to CBC’s 14 September 2020 reply to the Forum’s 2 September 2020 procedural request to add several paragraphs to the Forum’s 20 February 2020 intervention, concerning CBC’s broadcast notifications

2 September 2020 procedural request to add several paragraphs to the Forum’s 20 February 2020 intervention, concerning CBC’s broadcast notifications

4 August 2020 procedural request that the CRTC close the 2019-379 CBC proceeding and initiate a policy review of public broadcasting in Canada

24 July 2020 reply to other interveners regarding the provision of paper bills by communications service providers (BNoC/TNoC 2020-81)

Too many moving pieces:  It’s time to terminate the 2019-379 renewal process, 13 July 2020 intervention regarding new financial information about CBC’s online programming and non-programming services (2019-379-3) – and CBC’s 23 July 2020 reply to interveners

3 July 2020 comments on the provision of paper bills by communications service providers (BNoC/TNoC 2020-81)

16 May 2020 comments on regulations to made under the Accessible Canada Act (BNoC/TNoC 2020-124)

16 April 2020 comment on PIAC procedural request for clarification regarding participation in the proceeding on regulations being made pursuant to the Accessible Canada Act (BNoC/TNoC 2020-124)

12 March 2020 procedural request to add Strategic Plan approved by CBC’s Board of Directors in March 2019 to CRTC’s 2019-379 proceeding

12 March 2020 procedural request to add CBC’s notifications of its broadcasts about the CRTC proceeding and intervention deadline(s) to the public record

2 March 2020 intervention regarding eight Part 1 applications to renew the licences for television programming undertakings

20 February 2020 intervention regarding CBC’s applications to renew its licences and have CRTC continue to exempt its online programming and non-programming services from regulation

24 January 2020 procedural request to the CRTC with respect to CBC’s application to renew its licences and request for confidentiality

20 January 2020 intervention to the CRTC with respect to Corus’ Part 1 applications to renew 18 radio licences

20 January 2020 intervention to the CRTC with respect to Rogers’ Part 1 applications to renew 16 radio licences


8 April 2019 comments to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada regarding the proposed Direction to the CRTC on Implementing the Canadian Telecommunications Policy Objectives to Promote Competition, Affordability, Consumer Interests and Innovation

11 January 2019 submission to the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel, appointed on 5 June 2018 by Canada’s Ministers of Heritage and of Innovation, Science and Economic Development to review the BroadcastingTelecommunications and Radiocommunications Acts  (revised submission, with typographical errors corrected [and tracked])


5 December 2018 Letter to the CRTC asking it to permit the Forum to respond to Telus’ 3 December 2018 arguments that the CRTC should reduce the costs for which the Forum has applied with respect to its participation in the CRTC’s 2018-98 Lower-cost data-only proceeding; the letter includes the Forum’s response, and a request that the CRTC begin a public proceeding in early 2019 to review its 10-year old costs-application process

Letter to the CRTC in response to its 22 November 2018 decision not to extend the 27-working-day deadline of its 9 November 2018 Internet Code proceeding

Remarks, to the CRTC panel hearing applications for a new ethnic television programming service (Gatineau, 28 November 2018)

Procedural request, to the CRTC, with respect to Call for comments – Proceeding to establish a mandatory code for Internet services, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2018-422, (Ottawa, 9 November 2018) – see CRTC’s 22 November 2018 response in English 

Remarks, to the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications (Ottawa, 24 October 2018), with respect to its study on the modernization of Canadian communications legislation

Intervention, (Ottawa, 30 August 2018), Report regarding the retail sales practices of Canada’s large telecommunications carriers, Telecom & Broadcasting NoC CRTC 2018-286

Comment (1 August 2018) in support of the procedural request by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre to amend the procedures in TBNoC 2018-246, regarding major telcos’ sales practices

Intervention (22 June 2018) Intervention supporting Application to Review and Vary Telecom Order 2018-66 by Deaf Wireless Canada Consultative Committee (DWCC)

Unjust enrichment: the ‘competitive’ wireless market’s failure to offer reasonably priced data requires CRTC intervention (13 June 2018), Call for comments on Lower-cost data-only plans for mobile wireless TNoC CRTC 2018-98 (Ottawa, 22 March 2018) and 2018-98-1 (Ottawa, 10 May 2018)

Comments (Ottawa, 17 May 2018) in support of the procedural request submitted by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on 16 May 2018 with respect to Asian Television Network’s application to disable on-line access to privacy sites, 8663-A182-201800467, (Markham, 29 January 2018)

“What’s the worst that could happen?”: The worst that could happen, (Gatineau, 29 March 2018), intervention opposing Application to disable on-line access to piracy sites, Application 8663-A182-201800467 (Markham, 29 January 2018), submitted by Asian Television Network Limited on behalf of a coalition

Response to Phase 2 Questions, (Ottawa, 13 February 2018), Call for comments on the Governor in Council’s request for a report on future programming distribution models, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-359, (Ottawa, 12 October 2017)

Letter in support of 2 February 2018 procedural request by CIPPIC to extend the timelines and include an interrogatory phase in the ATN application to block certain websites

=> CRTC’s 15 February 2018 response to CIPPIC’s procedural request

Comments (22 January 2018) in support of Calgary’s application to set new terms for telecommunications companies’ use of the City’s rights of way


Comments, (Ottawa, 1 December 2017), Call for comments on the Governor in Council’s request for a report on future programming distribution models, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-359, (Ottawa, 12 October 2017)

Procedural request (Ottawa, 13 December 2017), asking the CRTC to disclose the survey research questions it will be asking at an unknown point in Phase 2 of the 2017-359 Order-in-Council proceeding, and for an extension of the Phase 2 31 January 2018 deadline to permit other parties to undertake non-duplicative survey research of their own

Intervention, (Ottawa, 4 August 2017), Sirius XM Canada Inc., Tangible benefits proposal filed in response to Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2017-114, Part 1 Application 2017-0560-0 (26 May 2017)

Comments(Ottawa, 3 April 2017), Call for comments on proposed amendments to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations and the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-50, (Ottawa, 24 February 2017)

Final Comments, (Ottawa, 27 February 2017), Review of the Wireless Code, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-293 (Ottawa, 28 July 2016) and 2016-293-1 (Ottawa, 23 September 2016)

Response to Questions(Ottawa, 16 February 2017), Review of the Wireless Code, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-293 (Ottawa, 28 July 2016) and 2016-293-1 (Ottawa, 23 September 2016) – response to Exhibit 1 questions

Comments(Ottawa, 7 Febrary 2017) Notice of hearing, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2017-1 (Ottawa, 5 January 2017)


Final reply, (Ottawa, 16 December 2016), Renewal of television licences held by large English- and French-language ownership groups, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-225 (Ottawa, 15 June 2016)

RemarksRenewal of television licences held by large English- and French-language ownership groups, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-225 (Ottawa, 15 June 2016)

Reply to Interrogatories, Review of the Wireless Code, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-293 (Ottawa, 28 July 2016), 2016-293-1 (Ottawa, 23 September 2016), 2016-293-2 (Ottawa, 26 October 2016) – Forum response to interrogatories

Comments, Review of the Wireless Code, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-293 (Ottawa, 28 July 2016) and 2016-293-1 (Ottawa, 23 September 2016)

InterventionRenewal of television licences held by large English- and French-language ownership groups, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2016-225 (Ottawa, 15 June 2016)

Remarks, to the House of  Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage (Ottawa, 25 February 2016), with respect to its study of the media and local communities

Intervention, Notice of Application, Broadcasting Notices of Consultation CRTC 2016-22 and 2016-22-1 (Ottawa; 21 January 2016 and 11 February 2016), with respect to  Corus’ acquisition of Shaw Media Inc.

Final reply, (Ottawa, 16 February 2016), with respect to A review of the policy framework for local and community television programming, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-421 (Ottawa, 14 September 2015)

Remarks, (Ottawa, 1 February 2016), at the CRTC public hearing to consider A review of the policy framework for local and community television programming, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-421 (Ottawa, 14 September 2015)


Submission on Call for comments on the Commission’s policies relating to Certified Independent Production Funds, Broadcasting Notices of Consultation CRTC 2015-467 and -467-1 (Ottawa, 20 October 2015 and 14 December 2015)

Putting the ‘local’ back into local TV, (Ottawa, 6 November 2015), in response to A review of the policy framework for local and community television programming, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-421 (Ottawa, 14 September 2015); see Remarks and Final Reply, above (in February 2016)

Remarks, (Ottawa, 5 November 2015), at the CRTC public hearing to consider Review of the structure and mandate of the Commissioner for  Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc., Broadcasting and Telecom Notice of Consultation 2015-239 [see FRPC’s submission of 25 August 2015, below]

Procedural request for clarification of information posted by the CRTC regarding local television, (Ottawa, 14 October 2015) – which CRTC answered on 2 November 2015

Comments, (Ottawa, 13 October 2015), in response to Part 1 Application 2015-1061-0 by Shaw Communications Inc. (1 September 2015), seeking changes to the licence of BC News +1  [See also FRPC’s submission of 10 August 2015, below]

Reply to interrogatories (21 September 2015), Review of basic telecommunications services, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2015-134 (Ottawa, 9 April 2015) and 2015-134-1 (Ottawa, 3 June 2015)

Crisis?  What crisis?  Let competitive broadcasters compete, (Ottawa, 14 September 2015), comments in response to Review of the regulatory framework for French-language vocal music applicable to the French-language commercial radio sector, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2015-318 (Ottawa, 20 July 2015); see also FRPC’s 2017 update

Comments, (Ottawa, 11 September 2015), in response to Review of the structure and mandate of the Commissioner for  Complaints for Telecommunications Services, Broadcasting and Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-239 (Ottawa, 4 June 2015) – Reply by FRPC to other submissions

Comments, (Ottawa, 3 September 2015), in response to Review and variance of Telecom Order 2015-342, Application 8662-C182-201508235 by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre

Comments, (Ottawa, 25  August 2015), in response to Review of the the structure and mandate of the Commissioner for  Complaints for Telecommunications Services, Broadcasting and Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-239 (Ottawa, 4 June 2015) [see also FRPC’s reply of 11 September 2015]

Comments, (Ottawa, 21  August 2015), in response to a request for amendments to YTV’s conditions of licence pursuant to Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-86, Application 2015-0726-3 (13 July 2015)

Comments, (Ottawa, 10 August 2015), in response to Part 1 Application 2015-0701-3 (3 July 2015), seeking amendments to the conditions of licence of BC News +1 related to closed captioning and group-based licensing [See also FRPC’s submission of 13 October 2015]

Comments, (Ottawa, 25 July 2015), in response to Review and variance of Telecom Order CRTC 2015-194, Application 8662-P8-201505033 by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre

Comments, (Ottawa, 10 July 2015), in response to Part 1 Application 2015-0576-0 by Unifor 723m with respect to the OMNI TV stations

What do Canadians need for meaningful telecommunications participation in Canadian society and Canada’s economy?, (Ottawa, 14 July 2015), comments filed in response to Telecom Notices of  Consultation CRTC 2015-134 and 2015-134-1 [See also FRPC’s reply to interrogatories]

Comments, (Ottawa, 1 June 2015), in response to Call for comments on proposed amendments to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications  Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure made under the Broadcasting Act and the Telecommunications Act, Broadcasting and Telecom Notice of Consultation 2014-115 (Ottawa, 31 March 2015)

Comments, (Ottawa, 25 May 2015), in response to Call for comments on a Television Service Provider Code of Conduct working document, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2015-105 and -105-1 (Ottawa, 26 March 2015)

Comments, (Ottawa, 30 March 2015) in response to Results of the fact-finding process on the role of payphones in the Canadian communications system – Follow-up process concerning the public notification policy for the removal of the last payphone in a community – Call for comments, Telecom Notice of  Consultation 2015-66 (Ottawa, 26 February 2015), and Reply (Ottawa, 9 April 2015)

Comments on Repurposing the 600 MHz Band, FRPC response to SLPB-005-14 (Ottawa, 26 February 2015)


A fond farewell to Kafka, Call for comments, Compliance and Enforcement Notice of Consultation CRTC 2014-598 (Ottawa, 17 November 2014), filed 17 December 2014

Intervention opposing an application by Rogers Sports Inc. for a network licence, (20 November 2014) Broadcasting Notices of Consultation 2014-541 and 2014-541-1

For the many – or for the few?  Submission on the CRTC’s consultation on the future of Canadian television, BNoC 2014-190 (Ottawa, 24 April 2014) – Volume 1 submission and Volume 2 appendices (17 June 2014), Remarks (18 October 2014) and Reply (3 October 2014)

Allarco’s Part I Application to amend a condition of its Superchannel licenceIntervention submitted on 6 June 2014

Rogers‘ renewal applications:  does mutilating OMNI to ‘save’ it serve the public interest? Intervention on Applications for the renewal of the broadcasting licences for English-language conventional and multilingual ethnic television stations and for certain specialty television services, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2014-26 (Ottawa, 29 January 2014), along with additional evidence submitted on 27 March 2014 and FRPC’s 22 April 2014 reply to new evidence presented at the CRTC’s April 2014 public hearing

Canadian Radio:  in trust, for all the people, Comments on the CRTC’s targeted policy review of the commercial radio sector, BNoC 2013-572 (Ottawa, 30 January 2014), along with 1 April 2014 reply comments

From surviving, to thriving, Comments on the CRTC’s approach to tangible benefits and determining the value of the transaction, BNoC 213-558 (Ottawa, 13 January 2014)


Why ‘me too’ will not do:  The CBC’s application to average local programming hours does not meet the CRTC’s threshold for reasons and evidence, Comments on application 2013-1475-7 (Ottawa, 16 December 2013)

3 thoughts on “FRPC submissions to the CRTC and other regulatory authorities”

  1. Pingback: What’s been happening recently FRPC

  2. I have network problem with Telus company which not they only are not capable of fixing it but also they trying to convice me that is okay and normal.

    so my problem is that When my phone is turned off and someone calls me, my phone still rings on their end instead of going straight to voicemail like everyone else? This also happens while on airplane mode or even phone without SIM card. Isn’t that impossible?

    It may be look like small or normal probelm , but i work at night and most of day time i am sleeping so when people call me such as friends, familly or even collegue , they think that i am ignoring their calls , especially in urgent matters and it really causing me sometimes socials problems and i can not change the phone number right now because it is related to importants acounts and files .

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for your note to the Forum for Research and Policy in Communications (FRPC).

      I can understand your frustration with Telus, and regret to say that FRPC has no legal authority to help you.

      There are two organizations that are empowered to address complaints about companies like Telus: the Commissioner of Complaints for Telecommunications and television Services (CCTS) and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).

      The CRTC is the federal agency responsible for regulating telecommunications companies such as Telus, and the CCTS is the body that the CRTC has empowered to address complaints about telecommunications services.

      You can reach the CCTS at this website: (this page includes a “live chat” mechanism). You can also reach the CCTS as follows:

      Toll-free: 1-888-221-1687
      TTY: 1-877-782-2384 (temporarily out-of-service as physical offices are closed)
      Fax: 1-877-782-2924
      Mail: P.O. Box 56067 – Minto Place RO, Ottawa, ON K1R 7Z1

      If you are dissatisfied with the CCTS’ approach to your complaint, you can also contact the CRTC: (this page has a live chat facility), or as follows:

      Consumer Support Line at 1-877-249-2782, from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m (Eastern Time).

      The mailing address for the CRTC is:

      Secretary General
      Ottawa, ON
      K1A 0N2

      I hope this information is of some assistance.

      Monica Auer, Executive Director, FRPC

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