- To help ensure that the objectives for the Canadian communications systems, as set out by Parliament in the Broadcasting Act and Telecommunication Act, are achieved.
- To ensure that there is sufficient room on Canada’s communications spectrum for the presentation of programming that reflects Canadian history, Canadian values and Canadian views on matters of public concern.
- To ensure the presence of a strong, national, public broadcaster
- To prevent foreign ownership in Canadian communications
- To halt, and where and when possible, reverse concentration of ownership in Canadian communications
- To help protect the interests of, and develop opportunities for, Canadian artists and other personnel (cultural and industrial policy) in communications
- To press for increased gathering of statistical and other data by the regulator
- To press for greater accessibility by the public to statistical data gathered by the regulator
- To press for lower BDU and telephone rates, so as to bring them into line with the rates in other developed countries.
- To present submissions to the CRTC and other government agencies in support of these objectives.
19 November 2013
(Revised 8 February 2015)