Are you interested in some of the history of Canada’s broadcasting and telecommunications system? You are in luck: dozens of reports have been written about the issues in and challenges in the system – here is a list (in chronological order) of a number of these reports.
Year |
Report |
1928 | Minister of Marine and Fisheries (15 November 1928): Report |
1929 | Royal Commission on Radio Broadcasting, Report (Ottawa, 1929), |
1938 | Select Standing Committee to review the policies of the CBC |
1951 | Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences, Special Committee on Radio Broadcasting, |
1957 | Royal Commission on Broadcasting, Report (Ottawa, 15 March 1957), [Fowler Report]
(Chapters 1-6) (Chapters 7 – 12) (appendices 1-13) (Appendices 14) |
1960 | Glassco: Royal Commission on Government Organization |
1960 | Board of Broadcast Governors, Royal Commission on Activities of Station CHEK-TV, Victoria, B.C.: Report, Report in response to OIC 1960-1211 (8 September 1960), |
1965 | Fowler: Advisory Committee on Broadcasting |
1966 | White Paper on Broadcasting – formed the basis of the 1968 Broadcasting Act |
1970 | Special Senate Committee on Mass Media, Report [Davey committee] |
1971 | Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Arctic co-operative radio broadcasts, (Ottawa, 1971) |
1973 | In March, 1973 the federal government issued a Green Paper titled, Proposals for a Communications Policy for Canada |
1979 | Clyne committee Report of the Consultative Committee on the Implications of Telecommunications for Canadian Sovereignty |
1981 | Kent: Royal Commission on Newspapers |
1980-1982 | Applebaum-Hebert: Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee |
1983 | Department of Communications, “Towards a New National Broadcasting Policy” |
1983 | Department of Communications, “Building for the Future: Towards a Distinctive CBC” |
1984 | Department of Communications, From Gutenberg to Telidon, (Ottawa, 1984) |
1985 | Neilsen report: Federal Task Force on Program Review published its recommendations on culture and communications |
1985 | Film Industry Task Force, Canadian Cinema – A Solid Base: Report, (Ottawa, 1985) [Raymond-Roth] |
1986 | Task Force on the Non-Theatrical Film Industry, Report, (Ottawa, 1986) [Jensen-Macerola] |
1986 | Task Force on Broadcasting Policy, Report, (Ottawa, 1986) [Caplan-Sauvageau] |
Federal-Provincial Committee on the Future of French-Language Television issued its report | |
1987 | House of Commons Standing Committee on Communications and Culture: Sixth Report |
1987 | Department of Communications, Communications for the Twenty-First Century: Media and Messages in the Information Age (Ottawa, 1987) |
1991 | Girard-Peters Task Force: Report on the Economic Status of Television |
1991 | Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, Reforming Electoral Democracy, Vol 1 (Ottawa, Minister of Supply and Services Canada: 1991), |
1991 | Marion G. Wrobel, Library of Parliament, Telecommunications: the demise of natural monopoly and its implications for regulation, Backgrounder (Ottawa, 1991) |
1992 | Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, Reforming Electoral Democracy, Vol. 1 |
1992 | Industry Canada. Communications for the Twenty-First Century: Media and Messages in the Information Age. Ottawa, 1992. |
1992 | Communications Canada, A spectrum policy framework for Canada (Ottawa, 1992) |
1992 | Communications Canada, Telecommunications in Canada: an overview of the carriage industry, (Ottawa, 1992) |
1992 | Communications Canada, Telecommunications privacy principles, (Ottawa, 1992) |
1992 | Standing Committee on Communications and Culture, The Ties that Bind, (Ottawa, 1992) |
1993 | Task Force on the Introduction of Digital Radio, Communications Canada, Digital radio, the sound of the future: the Canadian vision, (Ottawa, 1993) |
1993 | Federal working group to “review the CBC’s funding situation” |
1994 | Communications Development and Planning Branch, Industry Canada, Privacy and the Canadian information highway: building Canada’s information and communications infrastructure, (Ottawa, 1994) |
1994 | Parliamentary Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage: “role of the [CBC] .. potential sources of new revenues” |
1995 | Working Group on Canadian Programming and Private Television: Report on the Future of Canadian Programming and the Role of Private Television: Keeping Canada on the Information Highway. |
1995 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, The Future of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in the Multi-Channel Universe |
1995 | Information Highway Advisory Council. Connection, Community and Content: The Challenge of the Information Highway. Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada, September 1995. |
1995 | CRTC, Competition and culture on Canada’s information highway: managing the realities of transition, (Ottawa, 19 May 1995), |
1995 | Information Highway Advisory Council, Connection, Community, Content: The Challenge of the Information Highway, (Ottawa, 27 September 1995) |
1995 | Government of Canada, Building the Information Society: Moving Canada into the 21st Century. |
1996 | Mandate Review Committee of the CBC, NFB and Telefilm Canada, Making Our Voices Heard, Report (Ottawa, 1996) [ Juneau Committee’ |
1996 | Research Branch, Library of Parliament, Privacy issues in telecommunications, Current issue reviews (Ottawa, 1993, revised January 1996) |
1996 | Daniel J. Shaw, Research Branch, Library of Parliament, Telecommunications and Canadian industrial policy, (Ottawa, 1996), |
1996 | Tom Gorman, Services, Science and Technology Division, Statistics Canada, Television: Glorious Past, Uncertain Future, 63F0002XPZB No. 6 (Ottawa, January 1996), |
1996 | Daniel J. Shaw, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Economics Division, THE DEREGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND BROADCAST DISTRIBUTION (Ottawa, November 1996), |
1996 | Daniel J. Shaw, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Economics Division, THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY: THE CONVERGENCE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, BROADCAST DISTRIBUTION AND MICROPROCESSING, (Ottawa, June 1996), |
1996 | Daniel J. Shaw, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Economics Division, The information revolution and international telecommunications, (Ottawa, July 1996), |
1996 | Human Resources Canada, Human resources study of the Canadian telecommunications industry: detailed report, (Ottawa, 1996) |
1996 | Peter Howitt, Industry Canada, Implications of knowledge-based growth for micro-economic policies, cat. Id53-11/6-1996E (Ottawa, 1996) |
1996 | Daniel J. Shaw, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Economics Division, Telecommunication services and pricing: from monopoly to competition, (Ottawa, 1995, revised September 1996) |
1996 | Élisabeth Lefebvre & Louis A. Lefebvre, Information and telecommunication technologies: the impact of their adoption on small and medium-sized enterprises, (Ottawa, September 1996), |
1996 | Daniel J. Shaw, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Research Branch, Economics Division, CANADIAN COMPETITIVENESS IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND BROADCAST DISTRIBUTION, (Ottawa, November 1996), |
1996 | Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Music Industry, A Time for action: report, (Ottawa, 1996) |
1996 | Industry Canada, Convergence Policy Statement, Policy (Ottawa, 1996), |
1999 | Canadian Heritage, The Road to Feature Film Success: Report of the Feature Film Advisory Committee, (Ottawa, 1999) |
1999 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, A Sense of Place, A Sense of Being: The evolving role of the Federal government in support of culture in Canada, Ninth Report (Ottawa, June 1999), |
1999 | The Cultural Industries Sectoral Advisory Group on International Trade, New Strategies for Culture and Trade Canadian Culture in a Global World, (February 1999), |
2000 | Canadian Heritage, From Script to Screen: New Policy Directors for Canadian Feature Film, (Ottawa, 2000), |
2001 | A Framework for Copyright Reform, (Ottawa, 2001) |
2001 | Intellectual Property Policy Directorate, Industry Canada, Consultation Paper on the Application of the Copyright Act’s Compulsory Retransmission Licence to the Internet, (Ottawa, 2001), |
2001 | Consultation Paper on Digital Copyright Issues, (Ottawa, 2001) |
2001 | National Broadband Task Force, The New National Dream: Networking the Nation for Broadband Access, (Ottawa, 2001), |
2001 | Federal government announces the Tomorrow Starts Today cultural policy, to foster arts and culture, maximize Canadians’ access to arts and culture, and develop partnerships |
2002 | Department of Canadian Heritage, Canadian Content for the 21st Century, Discussion Paper (Ottawa, March 2002), |
2002 | Department of Canadian Heritage, From Creators to Audience: New Policy Directions for Canadian
Sound Recording, (Ottawa, 2002), Policy, |
2003 | Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, Opening Canadian Communications to the World, Report, (Ottawa, April 2003), |
2003 | Canadian Heritage, Northern Native Broadcast Access Program (NNBAP) & Northern Distribution Program (NDP) Evaluation: Final Report (25 June 2003), |
2003 | Department of Canadian Heritage, Canadian Content in the 21st Century in Film and
Television Productions: A Matter of Cultural Identity, (Ottawa, 2003) [Macerola Report] |
2003 | Lincoln report: Our Cultural Sovereignty: The Second Century of Canadian Broadcasting, Report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, (Ottawa, 11 June 2003) |
2005 | UNESCO adopts Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, supported by Canada and France – Canada is the first country to accept the Convention and it entered into force in March 2007 |
2005 | Canadian Heritage, Corporate Review Branch, Evaluation Services, Summative Evaluation of the Canadian Feature Film Policy, (Ottawa, September 2005) |
2005 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Scripts, Screens and Audiences: A New Feature Film Policy for the 21st Century, Report (Ottawa, November 2005), |
2006 | Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, Final Report on the Canadian News Media (2 volumes) |
2006 | House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, Sixth Report, (Ottawa, 30 March 2007), 39th Parl, 1st Sess,
“Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee has studied the deregulation of telecommunications and recommends that the Minister of Industry withdraw the order varying Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-15 and table in Parliament a comprehensive package of policy, statutory and regulatory reforms to modernize the telecommunications services industry.” |
2006 | CRTC, The Future Environment Facing the Canadian Broadcasting System: a report prepared pursuant to section 15 of the Broadcasting Act (Ottawa, 14 December 2006), |
2006 | March 22, 2006: Telecommunications Policy Review Panel, Final Report, (Ottawa, March 2006),$FILE/tprp-final-report-2006.pdf |
2007 | Department of Industry, Spectrum Policy Framework for Canada, Gzette Notice No. DGTP-001-07 (Ottawa, June 2007), |
2007 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, The Funding Crisis of the Canadian Television Fund: Report, (Ottawa, March 2007), 39th Parl., 1st Sess., |
2008 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, CB/Radio-Canada: Defining Distinctiveness in the Changing Media Landscape: Report, (Ottawa, February 2008) 39th Parl., 2nd Sess., |
2008 | CRTC, Perspectives on Canadian Broadcasting in New Media a compilation of research and stakeholder views (Ottawa, May 2008) Revised June 2008, |
2008 | Competition Policy Review Panel, Compete to Win: Final Report, (Ottawa, June 2008), |
2010 | Convergence Policy, Policy Development and Research, CRTC, Navigating Convergence: Charting Canadian Communications Change and Regulatory Implications, (Ottawa, February 2010), |
2010 | Report of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology CANADA’S FOREIGN OWNERSHIP RULES AND REGULATIONS IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECTOR, (Ottawa, JUNE 2010), 40th Parl., 3rd Sess. |
2011 | CRTC, Navigating Convergence II: Charting Canadian Communications Change and Regulatory Implications, (Ottawa, 2011), |
2011 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Emerging and Digital Media: Opportunities and Challenges, Report (Ottawa, February 2011), 40th Parl. 3rd Sess., |
2011 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Impacts of Private Television Ownership Changes and the Move Towards New Viewing Platforms: Report, (Ottawa, March 2011) 40th Parl. 3rd Sess., |
2012 | Report of the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, E-COMMERCE IN CANADA: PURSUING THE PROMISE, (Ottawa, May 2012) 41st Parl., 1st Sess., |
2014 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Review of the Feature Film Industry in Canada: Report, (Ottawa, June 2014), 41sst Parl., 2nd Sess., |
2014 | Michael Dewing, legal and Social Affairs Division, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Canadian Broadcasting Policy, Pub. No. 2011-9-E (Ottawa, 23 June 2011), revised 6 Aug 2014, |
2015 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Review of the Feature Film Industry in Canada: Report, (Ottawa, June 2015), 41st Parl., 2nd Sess., |
2015 | Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, Time for change: the CBC/Radio-Canada in the twenty-first century, Report, (Ottawa, 2015), |
2016 | House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, INTERIM REPORT ON MEDIA STUDY: The Impact of Digital Technology, Report 3, Presented to the House: December 8, 2016 |
2017 | Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Disruption: Change and churning in Canada’s media landscape (Ottawa, 15 June 2017), |
2018 | Canadian Heritage, Creative Canada – A Vision for Canada’s Creative Industries, (Ottawa, 28 September 2017), |